Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So on Thursday afternoon Kenny came home and decided that we were going to the river.. We needed to get away.. We told Makenzie & she was stoked. Se was packed up & ready to go before we even started getting our stuff together. The first time Makenzie went to the river & on th boat was when she was 3 months old.. Since then she has been to the river and on the boat every single summer.. At least 4 times every summer.. Makenzie is a fish & loves the water.. So we packed up & got on the freeway at about 4:15 thursday afternoon and got to laughlin at about 9pm.. Not to bad at all.. So Kenny's parents were at the river all week & they already had a room with an extra bed so we just stayed with them.. Kenny, Kenzie & I all slept on a queen size bed. Let me tell you that was a night of hardly any sleep at all.. Oh well.. So we got up bright & early friday morning so we could take the boat out and play on the river all day.. We had blast on the water.. We ended up having to go home friday night cause Makenzie had cheer practice saturday morning & she didnt want to miss it cause she has competition again in about 3 weeks and this is crunch time for them to practice. So we got home at about 11:45 friday night..I have to say it was SO WORTH IT!!

Here are some pictures from the trip =)

On our drive out to the river

out on the boat

Kenzie feel asleep on my lap on on of the rides we went on

Kenzie driving the boat =)

Self portrait of Kenny & I

So we had an AWESOME trip..